I officially live in California now.
No, it wasn't the naked body surfing at Black's beach, or the fish tacos on the pier at Ocean Beach or the fact that I put the word "the" before any highway number (ie. take the 5 to the 52 to the 805 to the 163 and get off at Friar's Rd...which by the way is how you get from our place to Fashion Valley Mall). What makes me a californian is that I made something with tomatillos -- those miniature, uncircumsized tomatoes that I have been nervously walking past at farmers markets for the last year. (In the photo above, the tomatillos are already circumsized.)
So what did I make? Well, it was supposed to be a tomatillo and avacado salsa, but it was too acidic, so I added two more avacados and made tomatillo guacamole. Who knew salsa and guacamole are on the same continuum? the variable being the number of avacados of course.
2 commenti:
Sounds delicious...mmm avocado
I LOVE tomatillos and would love to know what to do with them besides make a salsa verde. One person I know made a great mushroom and tomatillo soup. Mmmm....
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