lunedì 8 ottobre 2007

because I can

It's the inane details divulged to the world with the expectation that everyone else is as interested in your life that keeps happy hours happy (ha! I was gonna make fun of the blog world by posting a blog about the silliness of the innane detail exposure through blogs, but that kind of semi-selfconsious banter is SO last year...and so Web 2.0ver it... So here are a few: 1. After a delicious sandwich for lunch (thanks ivano!), I couldn't get a poppy seed out from between two of my front teeth. After a few minutes of shoving my fingernails, paper towels, water and saliva into the crevice, I managed to crush the poppy seed. It smeared across the junction between my two front teeth, leaving a beautiful black line that was far more apparent that the solitary, edible punctuation mark that I had before. 2. The so-pasteurized-and-processed-so-you-don't-have-to-refrigerate-them-EVER single-serving half-and-half containers in the office kitchen disappeared on Friday. In place was a note, in three different colors of magik marker, saying that we got a bad batch of "Mini Moos" and that more are on the way. In the mean time, regular, fridge-needing half and halfs are in the refrigerator in a black plastic bowl left over from the last catered event. It's Monday afternoon and the fridge-friendly dairy shots are all gone! and the new Mini Moo shipment is nowhere in sight. What am I going to do????? 3. Today, I'm wearing the pants that have hung in the closet for over a year. It had been so long that I'd worn them that I forgot WHY I stopped wearing them. Well. When I was outside taking deep breaths in an attempt to recover from the Mini Moo crisis we are facing around 2 PM, I realized why I hadn't worn these pants for a year. They're freakin' high waters. And wearing high waters in San Diego is kinda funny for two reasons. First, socks here are highly optional, and showing off black socks and black office shoes is like wearing a big "I'm a dork" sign. Second, we're in a mega drought and high waters in a drought are kinda sad, especially when I think about the thirsty trees that are stressed out with the lack of rain.

5 commenti:

Kelly O ha detto...

1. "So Web 2.0ver it": HA! I'm stealing that.

2. It's the mundane parts of life that give you intimacy with someone, which is why I think blogs are popular. Go with it! Your other reader(s) and I thank you.

Heather Jensen ha detto...

it's true, high waters do say you're a dork. can you call them capri pants? i hear those are trendy...

Daniel ha detto...

awe...u guys are awesome...and as for the capri pant coolness...yes that's a thought...though they're not quite short i'm thinking I could them into some kind of non-symmetric cut offs with one leg longer than the other...but maybe that's just trying to hard

W ha detto...

The asymmetry may work if the cut is a continuous angle. A stepped scheme could be too predictable. If the sewing is well done, it might just look like the newest Marc Jacobs creation. Try it and post a photo!

Daniel ha detto...

thanks for the encouragement douglas. I think i'm going to do some kind of cutting with them...i have to sleep on I had some other idea about the pants as I was biking to work, but now I don't remember what it was...maybe something about just cutting them off about 6 inches and making some lo-fi capris...I could always start there and move up if I don't like the result...