I have no doubt that us San Diegans are the butt of many a joke from people living in LA. But that's okay. Wet make fun of Orange County and call it even.
But, back to that DC-based West Virginia joke from 1990:
Q: How do West Virginians celebrate Halloween?
A: They pump kin.
I remember this joke being told during my freshman year of high school at Gonzaga, in world cultures class, of all places. Good ole Father McKee. (Some day I'll tell the joke he told us one day in class.)
PS: the crust is store bought but the whipped cream was home whipped.
2 commenti:
Oh, Daniel. Making fun of West Virginia is a Maryland past-time, and the tradition will carry on long after the mountains are littered with vinyl-sided boxes!
The pie looks delish
you're right. but once we litter the mountains with vinly-sided boxes, we're the real monsters.
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