Spider spider burning bright
In the forest of the light
What immortal hand or eye
Could spin such scary symmetry?
Whatever, Mr. Poem. You're like totally lame. I could have pulled out a clump of highlights, arranged them on a retro Lee press-on nail package and created a more meaningful string of characters than that sad sad poem. My god. If i were not needing to go shopping for Jams and hairspray, I'd totally write a way better poem about a spider. But instead, I'll just give you two lines, you lamo-dorko-geeko loser!
Spider, why 8 legs?
And what's with always wearing dark leg warmers?
To the loser who screamed about spiders speaking estonian, i'd like to set the record straight. Only old world spiders speak Estonian. All new world spiders speak Canadian.
Word! Peace out to all Canadian speaking spiders!
ditto that, man!
I'm back, with new hairspray and like a totally renewed sense of why I hate message boards like this. You all are totally clueless. Spiders don't talk. Hello. They knit! Their communications are hidden within their webs. Like everyone knows that. It's like first-grade-obvious. totally. like whatever. this is SO not worth my time. But i like just took this cell phone business class and I'm totally working on a start up for spiders. I'm going to be the first supplier of colorful leg warmers to spiders. It's like totally market niche open wide. I'm like fully in the market alone. It's like being at Macy's during the Sax fall sale. Fucking deserted. I'm like totally stoked about being the new spider woman. That's me. Spiderwoman.biz I'm totally all over that. I've already got my hairspray focused on that web site. I'm so stoked.
I hope you've already disclosed your patents. If not, you just blew your market lead.
This is supposed to be a spider-phobia message board? You all need to go somewhere else, or at least help me with the fact that I'm going to vomit if I look at that spider one more time.
Can you like please not vomit on this board? You're going to get my pima cotton samples all dirty. Spiders are like SO picky about what fabrics they will tolerate on their bodies. This is so totally what my cell phone professor was like talking about when he forwarded a link to like some OTHER school about knowing your market and marketing your knowing. I like think that was the same email that he totally asked for my credit card number and my drivers license number and social security. He's like assembling a database for a marketing exercise we're going to do later in the semester. He's totally nice. And it was like so sweet of him to approach ME and ask ME if I'd like to take his cell phone business class. He's like the Harvard of cell phone business class modules focused on the busy student who only has time to text message from a cell like once a week, for like 30 minutes. It's like totally perfect. Now I need to like find some silk that is not going to cause an allergic reaction for spider #4, who is like totally pissing me off. If he tries to bite my face one more time, i'm going to full him so full of hairspray that even his eyeballs will be crusty in that 80s kind of way that makes me dream of my first training bra and like Jerry's pizza.
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