martedì 29 gennaio 2008

Ubaldo...Milano's newest gay icon

Ubaldo is Milano's latest gay icon.
Straight men want to be him
Gay men want him
Straight women can't get enough of him
Gay women...well...the only person I ever saw resist his charms was the lesbian working the ticket desk at the museum in Milan with the Last Supper painting. He tried to weasle some passes out of her even though they were sold out for the entire almost worked...but not quite...close but no cigar...perhaps it was HIS cigar that got in the way...or maybe that's just my phallic-centric lens colored in shades of Ubaldo green...

6 commenti:

Kelly O ha detto...

Rowr. I would have given him a pass.

TFO ha detto...

Hey Kelly, watch it, you're married. ok so i'm not jealous of her blog at least.
: - )

Amanda ha detto...

As a non-lesbian member of the human race, I'll take two.

Daniel ha detto...

so...I'm pleased to see that Ubaldo can hold his own in cyberspace too...good to know...and just wait till you hear him speaking Italian

Amanda ha detto...

he looks like an italian Beatle... Johno! Paulo! Georgeo! Ringo-o! That lst one didn't work out so well...

Daniel ha detto...

Ringo must already be the Italian Beatle...your "double o" just makes him double italian...kind of like a double espresso... esspresso doppio in italiano! and since you ordered two ubaldos, that second vowel might come in handy.