lunedì 14 gennaio 2008

Red Thread Diaries

I bought these pants in February of 200X. I don't remember what years. It was probably 2003 but I'm not sure. I remember going into H&M after work in DC and looking for pants to bring to the AAAS Annual Meeting that I would be staffing the following week. In the changing room, I ran into a woman from my office who was also looking for new clothes to wear to the meeting. I told her I was looking for pants that "actually fit me."

A nobe effort, especially since Martin once asked me why I wore "grand pa" pants ie: pants with a saggy butt. I didn't have an answer except that I didn't realize I was wearing grandpa pants.

These pants were an effort so stray from the grandpa phenomenon. Naturally, I failed miserably. They are still to baggy. But I keep them around anyway because I'm attached to the red thread I once used to sew on the two front buttons back on to the pants.

I called this "red thread diaries" in honor of Matt. Remember Red Shoe Diaries? The show we used to watch late at night freshman and/or sophomore year of college. A little soft core porn never hurt anyone.

2 commenti:

W ha detto...

Ahhh the drama of H&M they ever retain their buttons?!

Daniel ha detto...

no. I think they have a trademarked button removal process.