martedì 8 luglio 2008

mom's email as poetry

Dear Daniel,
I just took out the trash and admired our hydrangia and bee balm.
True to the name, the bees are enjoying the flowers.
It is hot and humid, but not terrible.
A good swimming pool day and snack bar day.

You may have heard the news,
Jaqueline and Patrick are having a baby.
I was surprised. I guess she feels quite nauseated.

They are excited.
Now I have a whole new set of worries and joys.

2 commenti:

W ha detto...

total poetry

Anonimo ha detto...

Ah, yes, as a fellow warped Irish Catholic, I can attest that the e-mail captures perfectly the quintessential Irish mother's reaction to a new birth: a little bundle of impending doom. Every week I call my mother for the litany of the dead and dying. It makes me feel grateful I ran away and joined the circus.

Why are the funniest people always those who accomplish it unintentionally? While losers like me who actually try to be funny, fail so miserably?