martedì 22 luglio 2008

i have to pee

when I was little, I had to "urinate"

when I got a little older, I had to "piss"

after a year or two of college, I had to "pee"

Ten years after college, I still have to pee

in fact, I have to pee right now.

Or do I have to piss?

am I butch enough to piss right now?

am I sensitive enough to pee?

am I sharp enough to know the difference?

rather than deliberate
I better just urinate.

4 commenti:

Kelly O ha detto...

I sometimes "shake the dew from my lily." Or "see a man about a horse."

One time I was on the phone with a friend who said, "Be right back, I have to go drain my noodle(s)." I didn't catch the plural of "noodles," and thought it was odd that he would announce that. He meant the pot was boiling over, which now that I think of it makes a good euphemism, too.

Daniel ha detto...


W ha detto...

I am definitely in to saying "pee" right now.
random story: I remember Jerry saying he had to "make a pit stop"...I later tried to use the same phrase and got embarrassed so all I said was: "I have to make a..." and pointed at his house. Steven then said "make a log?" eeewww

Daniel ha detto...

douglas...I can understand the confusion, b/c no one in nebraska pees only go indoors to "make logs" as they say.