lunedì 28 aprile 2008

Thanks Jenn...the van was blue

The summer after my sophomore year of college: I took a botany class out at Cedar Point Biological Research Station, out in the gorgeous Nebraska sandhills. I think we were on a Saturday field trip, b/c we were all in a big state-owned maroon van.
Jenn, who was in the van in Nebraska with me, says the van was blue. I, therefore, have officially changed my position on the van color. I have already filed a motion with my memory lawyer, who contacted my neuronal notary public, who in turn checked to make sure that my white area power of attorney over to my grey area did not infringe on my choice to change the official color of the van from maroon to blue. Thankfully, it all worked out. My memory has been changed. The van was blue. And now that I've been reprogrammed, I think the maroon van was the high school van rode to Mexico in. :)

2 commenti:

jb ha detto...

My mom calls it "misremembering".

Anonimo ha detto...

No. That van we rode to Mexico in was Hot Pink.