mercoledì 2 aprile 2008

big gay kidney

I met a big gay kidney living in the body of a poodle.
The poodle had been to all the big dog shows as a journalist.
she uncovered a huge illegal grooming ring in the late 1960s
right before the big bark-enhancing drugs hit the circuit and the worst thing
you could do a competition dog was let your owner run Dax Wax through your coat.

After spending the 1980s as a lobbyist for the dog food industry, the poodle grew sick.
too much rotten horse meat makes a poodle a sick pup.
after a brush with death via a Mexican-detox clinic in Tiajuana
the poodle learned her kidney had failed.
She called her congresspooch, who barked up the right trees and a canine kidney was ready for her the next week.
but the poodle balked at the idea of a golden retriever's kidney.
"if I take that kidney, I'll be fetching newspapers and licking babies.
she declined via telegram and peed on a case of beef jerkey before leaving the loan-shark infested conveniece store.
she moved into an artists colony near the Salton Sea and befriended a crazy old queen.
he was about to die and was planning to donate his body to science.
she convinced him to donate her body to a doctor who was illegally testing dog food on human organs.
it was this doctor that put the big gay kidney in the dog.
and the only thing that changed after the transplant was that she could only enjoy sex doggy style...which was strange because she prided herself as a dog who had evolved beyond such trite and predictable sex positions.

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