sabato 24 maggio 2008

Todd's quote meme take two

For anyone who is keeping track, I tagged myself for a quote meme. And I'm glad I did because I have a Nina Simone quote to share. The quote is a second hand quote from Roger Nupie, a long-lasting friend of Nina Simone and a dude from Belgium who first met Nina in the late 1980s when Nina was living in Nijmegen.

According to Roger Nupie, he and Nina were at an African discotheque in Antwerp one night and met an African ambassador and his son. The following is a quote from an interview with Roger that is included in the Nina Simone biography "Break Down and Let It All Out" by Sylvia Hampton with David Nathan. (The book is interesting, though I warn you it is more of a tribute from a unique perspective than a biography. I'm very glad I read it because it tried to honestly deal with the mental health issues (and the inter-personal distress these issues caused) that plagued Nina for her entire life. But don't expect a masterpiece.)

"The third story has to do with her [Nina Simone's] down-to-earth attitude towards men, love and sex. Once when she was staying with me in Antwerp, we went out to an African discotheque, where many wealthy Africans went. We met this ambassador and his son, and they offered us both champagne and Baileys, and a whole lot more to drink. He was very entertaining and charming, as was his son. But after a while Nina started to get bored; she wanted some real action, if you know what I mean. Next thing I know, she got up and said, 'Come on, Roger, you take the son and I'll take the father. Can we go now?' The ambassador was not quite sure he'd heard right, and asked madam if she could repeat what she'd said. Nina repeated what she had said, shouting at the top of her voice. Both men looked puzzled, and the next thing they decided was they suddenly had to leave. I thought Nina might be sad, as she seemed to be really interested in the ambassador, but she was fine. She looked at me for a moment and then started to laugh. 'Well sugar, if we can't find a lover tonight, we may as well dance,' and that's what we did. After that we went to one of her favourite Chinese restaurants. It was a cheap and slightly dirty place, but they served huge portions and that's what she liked."

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