giovedì 29 maggio 2008

Sex and the City

It seems that you can't go anywhere these days without hearing about Sex in the City (and I'm not talking about the missed connections section of Craigslist).

One of my faves is's Flex and the City. It's the exact dialog from Sex and the City, but the actors are all women who can bench press well over 200 pounds. It's awesome.

A couple of days ago, I had Flex and the City going on my work computer and then started listening to KCRW's internet radio station. Of course I totally forgot I had the Flex and the City running, and I thought the song I was listening to was music playing over top Sex and the City dialog. And I was totally digging it...and then I realized it was not the song at all, but the result of too many tabs open on my browser.

1 commento:

W ha detto...

I saw the SATC movie this weekend! I liked it. It was funny, sweet, sad, and a good time. Granted, it is what it is, and I liked it for that.