martedì 25 novembre 2008

Larriland mentioned in New York Times

I suppose it was inevitable...Larriland Farm mentioned in the New York Times. Sure, the mention was just in passing, but still. Little ole Larriland, the place where hog halves hung from the old barn in the early 1980s, way before local produce was cool (but before it all but disappeared before making a comeback more than a decade later)...little ole Larriland has made it into the New York Times. Larriland is the pick-your-own farm that we visited numerous times per year, to pick strawberries, peaches, nectarines, raspberries (to eat off bush but not buy), apples, spinach, pumpkins and various other fruits and vegetables. The farm has grown exponentially since the early days...and it's a little sad to see how successful they have been...but it's better than the alternative...the McMansions that are popping up all over the surrounding parts of Howard County. Icky.

More Larriland thoughts in another post...but I saw this and had to's also interesting to me that the reference is in a story about Frederick, MD, the new cool "old Maryland town" a frontier of sorts according to the author...this is funny because we grew up visiting a VERY different Frederick. We grew up visiting our dad's parents who retired in the first explosion of siding-clad split levels that attached to old Frederick like a wart attaches to a toe that's been to the locker room one-too-many times.

I don't think douglas was there, but I'll never forget the time granddad took some of us through what was then the current construction site in their neighborhood and down to the Monocacy River. (Every visit to our grandparents split level in "new frederick" seemed to co-incide with the beginning of another siding-centric tract development in the fields that used to surround Frederick.) Grandad walked us through the construction, through a dried-out corn field and down a steep slope to the muddy waters of the Monocacy river just to see it. One of those moments you never forget. Along our walk, we found a bone from some large animal, a horse or cow probably.

1 commento:

W ha detto...

awwwww Larriland!!!
pumpkins (not too big though $$)
raspberries (just to eat)
a coke from the machine
: )