sabato 8 novembre 2008

Apple Crisped

I got my ass kicked by apple crisp. An apple crisp that I made. An apple crisp with apples, pears, (too many) cranberries and persimmons that won't ripen. After the usual butter, brown sugar, oatmeal, flower, cinnamon and nutmeg topping had been applied to the raw cut up fruit, I threw on cardamom for an extra gourmet kick.

After 35 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees, let's just say that the wouldn't-ripen persimmons magically turned into almost-rotten-tasting baked sweet potatoes. The cardamom gave the whole dish a vaguely ethnic....maybe Indian...vibe that joined with the sweet potatoe punch to create a nauseating combination of tastes.

what to do?

Step one: pick out the rest of the persimmons and throw them away. Nevermind the loud thump you hear every time you drop a persimmon chunk into the sink. How heavy are they anyway?

Step two...leave it in the fridge for 36 hours longer than you should

Step three...attempt to eat on a nearly empty but relatively nauseated stomach that is the result of deciding to try out Pizzaria Uno pizza after many years. You have fond memories of going to an Uno's in Georgetown with Mike H. at some point either during or after college.

Step four...enjoy your day...if you can...

1 commento:

W ha detto...

I'm not sure you were making apple crisp, which may have been part of the problem! I say make a delicious pan of regular apple crisp then try adding new twists from there. I do applaud the innovations though, and who knew persimmons sucked up so much of the earth's gravitational pull?!n