giovedì 23 ottobre 2008

gloom and doom

My parents are just back from a two week trip to my mom's parents' farm in Nebraska. My grandparents are in their 80s and still living independently on the farm (my uncles who still farm help out a lot of course).

My mom picked up a Wall Street Journal in the DC airport to read during the 2.5 hour flight. The newspaper ended up in my grandparent's kitchen, and my grandpa took it with him to his reclining chair in the living room by the picture window that looks east across the clay hills of east central nebraska. This is his spot for reading the local newspaper, printed in a town of 800. After studying the Marketplace section of the WSJ with a powerful magnifying glass, he said...

"I don't know where this newspaper came from, but it's all gloom and doom."

3 commenti:

W ha detto...

I guess when the economy is tanking, it really is gloom and doom. However, you'd think they might paint a brighter picture so that people would care less about the economy and vote for John McCain.

side note: I want Palin's wardrobe allowance!

Daniel ha detto...

it will take me more than 3 years after taxes to make what they spent on clothes for her in sept...and another 6 months to pay for her makeup artist for the first two weeks of october.

Anonimo ha detto...

This has to be one of the funniest blogs I've read in some time.