Ivano and I were sitting at the breakfast table this morning, eating our yogurt and milk and fruit and cereal and perusing the weekly ads from the three grocery stores that we shop at. Among the meat sales and the realization that heirloom tomatoes are 300% more expensive that chicken legs, I noticed yogurt innovations.
Your turn your head for one minute and the yogurt makers innovate. First it was the
crunchies they packed on top to give you that fresh yogurt parfait party at home (or in your college dorm room). Then it was the low-fat, no-fat, low-sugar, no-sugar, low-
carb, no-
carb craze. Next came the flavor revolution: coffee flavored, toasted almond, strawberry cheese cake and key lime pie. Since when did yogurt flavors start stealing ideas from the dessert menu at
TGIFridays? And now? And now, whipped yogurt. As they say: "Whips! light & fluffy." I didn't know yogurt wanted to become a marshmallow, or lemon
meringue...but since yogurt has already taken on these flavors, why not steal the texture too. Besides, what are "novelty yogurts" other than a trick, a work-around for pigging out on what you told yourself you wouldn't touch.
It's true that I haven't tried the whipped yogurt. And I'm not against "the whipped movement" per se. Whipped chream cheese is a blessing. I just think it's bizzare that food companies keep changing everything all the time. And sometimes there are good reasons: the low-cholesterol milk I stumbled upon this morning is a good thing. The de-veined shrimp will keep people out of therapy for years. But fluffed beef? What the hell is fluffed beef? (in the non-pornography sense). Technically, we're talking about Fresh Premium Ground Beef, Not to Exceed 20% fat, sold in either a "Fluff Pack" or a "Flavor Seal Chub." Do you think they could add a little key lime pie flavor to the chub, and fluff it just a tad?
PS: After my whipped yogurt and fluffed beef breakfast, I checked my brother douglas' blog...only to find that he too
blogged about a yogurt adventure today. what up wit dat????
4 commenti:
The K boys love their yogurt? It's the pudding for adults.
Hi Daniel-
I am Dougs friend Jen and I have been spying in on you and your Christmas letter. Let me just tell you though- Yoplait Whips is disgusting. The flavor is the same, but the texture feels like something has gone wrong with it (and not in a Orange Passionfruit cheese=delicious sort of way). However, the Yoplait Cusutard style is amazing. And it actually does taste like pudding. Healthy pudding.
Hi Jen. Nice to meet ya. And thanks for the Yoplait custard style tip! do you live in baltimore?
I live in Bowie, MD, in good ol' PG county (PG representin'). Its near everything, but has nothing. Except delicious custard yogurt.
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