This is Suicide Rock. I walked to the top today. At the top, I climbed up on one of the big old boulders and soaked up the sun and the wide vista of the town of Idylwild below and the Southern California mountains below.
I jumped off the rock, but misjudged the distance to the ground, and endeded up doing a face plant. Ivano and Martin saw me jump from behind, and then heard a series of thuds. They were freaked out for a second, then realized I was okay.
And like all good outings among friends, this misshap (bloody palms and all) became part of a running, non-politically-correct joke.
"I can't even jump off suiside rock properly!"
4 commenti:
where is suicide rock? wow...next time i would like to go there! ciao ciao
(... posso immaginare la faccia di Ivano!scenoso terrone...)
cioa Lux! suicide rock is only 2.5 hours from San Diego. And the hiking is great (as long as you do not fall off a rock).
I love this. Perfect little prosaic moment of dkane. i feel like i was there.
nice profile photo matt! yeah, you shoulda been there. Suicide rock kicked my ass and sent me home with a nasty book report that was due the next day.
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