I'm listening to Malvina Reynolds sing it like it is right now.
some lyrics from the first track to the complation "Ear to the Ground"
it isn' nice to block the doorway
it isn't nice to go to jail
there are nicer ways to do it
but the nice ways always fail
it isn't nice it isn't nice
you told us once you told us twice
but if that is freedom's price
we don't mind
we have tried negotioan
and the three-man picket line
mr charlie didn't see us
and he might as well be blind
now our new ways aren't nice
when we deal with men of ice
but if that is freedom's price
we don't mind
the song goes on...the cd goes on...Malvina's spirit goes on...
you may have heard her song "Little Boxes." I encountered it just two weeks ago, when I saw it used in the intro to the TV show Weeds. It's fabulous.
2 commenti:
Interesting side note for that Weeds "Little Boxes" song - The second season they had a different artist cover the song for each episode. Some great covers by some great artists emerged because of this.
totally...and I totally get the fascination with covering her songs...I totally want to...totally
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