Dude, a dudleya.
A dudleya dude.
Plants know what's up.
Why do we have such a hard time with the same tasks?
Why isn't sunshine and water enough to make us happy?
I'd be happy with C3 photosynthesis. I don't need no stinkin' C4 bullshit.
Three carbons is enough.
Hell. I'd be happy with just two carbons, if I could figure out how to open my skin and feed off the carbon dioxide expelled by the crazy mammals, busy with their mammary glands, testes and internal temperature worries.
I'd trade a Jamba Juice for a C3 smoothie.
"Carbon dioxide swirl, please."
"what size," she asks.
"I'll take 20 cubic feet of New York City air."
"what borough?"
"what neighborhood?"
"hmm...what about Crown Heights."
"Sorry. We're all out. We have Bensenhurst, Coney Island and Park Slope South"
"I'll take Coney Island. I better get some of that roller coaster air while it's still there."
"Do you want a free boost?"
"Yeah. Carbon monoxide please."
"okay dudley. comin right up."
2 commenti:
Wouldn't that be cool, if you could get a couple deep breaths of air from someplace you miss? Genius.
And I LOVE the pictures you've been posting!
I'd could go for a deep sweet breath from an alfalfa field from my grandparent's farm in Nebraska about now. I hope you have a great weekend, Kelly. : )
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