This evening, I found myself swimming in the Pacific Ocean and watching the sunset while treading water. "Ciao sun! see you tomorrow!" I yelled from the calm waters in La
Jolla cove.
It's so cheesy to wave goodbye to the summer sun. Especially in San Diego, where everyone (who doesn't live here) thinks there is just one season. If January and August in San Diego are the same, then I'm Abe Lincoln. We're sweating our asses off in this apt.
Ivano had to camp out in his office this weekend because it was way to hot to work from home. Today's coping mechanism, however, was all about the beach: i went to the beach three times today. The first time, was our 2.5 hour morning walk within an in-tact surfer ecosystem. I kind of felt like I was on a human safari. Beach trip #2 involved me full body surfing at Black's beach in the afternoon. Beach trip #3? Two friends from the apt complex and I went to La
Jolla described above.
MMM...beach...MMM...Labor Day...
And right now I'm eating an "heirloom" tomato that is sweeter than all the peaches I've eaten this summer. I hope this is really "heirloom" and not just an excuse to slip us new, weird looking, overly sweet varieties that buyers (like me) will only accept under the guise of "heirloom." As if eating this "heirloom" tomato is going to transport me back to the hen house on my grandparents farm, circa 1980. I never could understand why she had to kill all the chickens for roasting. As a grandchild visitor, didn't see understand that collecting eggs would be much more fun than collecting chicken livers???.
In addition, eating the funky looking, almost-strawberry-tasting, twice as expensive as regular
tomatoes did not take actually me back to my grandmother's vegetable garden in 1984, with the milk cartons filled with water surrounding her tender tomato plants against the cold nights of May.
So, I just complained that eating the heirloom tomato is not going to bring me back to a couple of cherished moments from childhood. But, by saying what the tomato can not do, I got to return to those moments in my mind and enjoy them. So, the question is: can I just browse the heirloom tomato pile at the grocery story and reminisce from afar? or do I need to buy in order to get the emotional/memory-based benefits. Hard to say. Perhaps this is a re-framing of the question: Is window shopping ultimately