It's six o clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream, I was kissing valentino blah blah blah I forget how the song goes....but no matter cuz it's just another manic monday...
actually, it's Tuesday. and on the east coast and the rest of the world it's already Wednesday.
my brother in ohio was joking that he was jealous that he doesn't get any email from our uncle in kansas city...and I said...well...all you need to do is create a situation where he thinks that you think that he might hate you...and then you'll get email from him.
we laughed.
2 commenti:
...by a crystal blue italian stream.
I don't get no emails neitha.
you need to skip a wedding or otherwise highlight the large rifts in our family structure in order to get "we don't hate you" emails from the KC crew.
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