but if that worm is squirming on a sidewalk shaded by a tree with a weak-ass branch that is just about to fall, then it doesn't make much difference if the bird catches the worm or not.
yesterday, I felt like that bird under the breaking branch...thinking, who gives a fuck about the worm, the branch is going to fall anyway. It was one of those freeing moments. I think italian bf and i were talking about a stat I read this week from the US Energy Information Administration stating that by 2030, the amount of consumed energy will be 50% higher than it was in 2005. that's a lot of fucking coal to be spewing into the atmosphere. good luck polar bears. good luck california native plants. good luck people.
we're gonna be toast. so let's not take life so seriously.
"ahh, the ramblings of a non parent," you say. Perhaps. But it's not like the parents of the world are collectively doing anything to make sure their treasured progeny are going to inherit a better world.
3 commenti:
yes. I don't understand the anti-environment right-wing parents who care not about the world their children will inherit.
I hear you. Every time I see someone use a plastic spoon or a straw, I have to stifle the urge to say "You know, that's going to be around longer than my grandchildren's grandchildren.
was there a 10-code for branch down?? i wish i would have saved those!
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