giovedì 3 luglio 2008

4th of July

The Fourth of July. Yay! One of my most memorable fourths? Vomiting my brains out in the upstairs hallway of my parents' house on Glenville Road. Why? Because I ate the wrong part of the Chesapeake Bay blue crabs at the annual neighborhood crab fest. I still remember sitting there munching away on the whitish, longitudinal, flavorless soft parts of the belly of the crabs. I was 7 or 8, but my cognitive processes haven't changed much since then. I munched away...with a vague sense that something was not quite right, but that notion didn't stop me.

And boy did I pay the price. Although whoever(my mom, I'm sure) had to clean the crab puke off the wooden floor in the upstairs hallway paid more than I. Sorry mom.

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