welcome to a collection of white flowers from Plum Canyon in Anza Borrego Desert State Park in San Diego County, CA. I just got back from teaching my weekly yoga class, did the dishes that have been sitting on the counter since Sunday (ivano is away for work and I've regresssed into slob mode to some extent...who needs to put anything away, that's what the floor is for). These are photos from the saturday walk I took with the San Diego chapter of the California Native Plant Society. It was an amazing amazing day. When we left the desert and stopped in a tourist town in the mountains on the way back, I felt ashamed to be a human. We're so messy and dirty. And loud and clumy and mean. But we do know how to make ice cream. And for that I am grateful.
I almost forgot the reason I called this post white party...b/c i wanted to draw the distinction b/w this white party and the circuit party with the same in a different california desert between anza borrego and joshua tree...in palm springs of course.
and that reminds me of the time I was invited to an arty "white party" in iowa city in january of 1999. I didn't have any white clothes, so I wore all black, but covered myself in pieces of paper with words of white colored things like "vanilla ice cream," "snow" and "clouds". I didn't really know anyone at the party and let's just say that when the party was over (and I stayed till the bitter end) I still didn't know anyone at the party.
2 commenti:
So, I thought you were going to say that by the end of the party, you knew everyone! Also, the mini daisies and cacti are quite cool. btw-it's getting very san diego here in terms of weather...so luxurious.
hi douglas
it was a party of people who all knew each other...mostly film students from U of Iowa...I had met one of them b/c she regularly bought coffee from me at the co-op espresso bar i worked at...and she invited me...but they were not really into meeting a new person at that party...it was very clique-y...it was one of those moments where I wanted to be social and failed miserably :)
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