I took our car to the Ford dealer where we bought it about 19 months ago, b/c it was time for the 15K checkup and well past time to try to understand why the engine light is on. Since we're a one-car family, I took the car myself to the 8AM Saturday morning appointment. I packed 25 pounds of books, magazine and even the health profile I was supposed to fill out for the general check up that I forgot to go to last wednesday. Oops. HMO paybacks are hell. I'm in for it. But anyway, the point is that I dropped off the car and embarked on a six hour urban hike through national city, chula vista and south san diego. It was a ton of fun. The Walmart bathroom below was one of my rest stops. The urban equivalent to how to take a shit in the woods could be "how to take a shit in Walmart." Of course I didn't do any reading at all. The heavy backpack really did make it an urban hike though. And I even had a close encounter with wildlife.
Near the back of the crazy modern building above, I cut through an empty parking lot and then another. A big black SUV appeared in front of me out of nowhere. It slowed down when it got to me and a white guy no more than 18 with the serious face of someone who had just seen a ghost or was about to do something really horrible starred at me from a half-way-rolled-down pitch-black passenger side window in the second row of seats. He moved his eyes so as to say "your it." For a moment, I truly believed i was about to get my ass kicked. but before I even decided how freaked out to be, the SUV dissappeared. I moved my ass to a more populated area damn fast. Scared white liberal. I know. It was probably nothing...but then again, we're hardwired as humans to react to potentially threatening situations and I'm not one to ignore them.
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