I was trying to think of some way to use the "OPP" joke here...you know..."Other People's (holiday) Party" or the derivation OPB for "other people's baclonies"...but it's SO not working...I might as well just get it over with and say "Who Let the Dogs Out? Woof Woof!"
Ok. I feel better now.
I have two more minutes before I want to turn off the computer and go to yoga, or as my teacher calls it in her spanish accent "joga".
I've got to get to joga.
I was video taping a college group presentation that somehow reminded me of all the silly presentations I gave from grade school on up, and how nervous I used to get. I wish someone would have convinced us that there is nothing to be nervous about. Like if the teacher had just stood in the front of the room, farted really loud, picked his or her nose, triped over a shoe, fell down cussed, and then looked up and said...see? it just doesn't matter. now get up there and have a good time.
3 commenti:
so true
I know I am getting this wrong but:
"What do you say to running wool bearing animals heading toward a caustic pit? leap sheep."
I think the teacher could have had the whole class get up and stand at the front of the room together and look back at where they sit. Just that would have helped...part of what was weird for me was the new vantage point in the room that looks back at where you usually are.
it's true. being up at the podium or just in front of the room was so strange...i agree that a walk through of the new vantage point would have been helpful...what a waste of worry!
"Waste of Worry"
the new hit from Mary J Blige
"You're just a waste uh my worry
just a waste uh my wooorrryyyyy"
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