I can hear Santa's sleigh bells. It's a magical, ringing sound. The only problem is that it is coming from the guts inside this laptop.
I'm pretty sure it's not a good sign when your laptop starts having its own silicon Christmas party. Now a silicone Christmas party. That's a whole nother story.
I was in the shower thinking that I was going to dry off and hop on the new laptop that Ivano's dad is getting for Christmas this year. but that laptop doesn't have Photoshop and Ivano is busy loading software on the new computer anyway.
I was all excited to write about a uniquely Deep December phonomena: breaking down and just using the things you are supposed to be giving as gifts. I so wanted to say that I was posting from someone else's christmas gift 5 days before Christmas.
but instead, I'm talking about an even more pressing Deep Christmas phenomenon: someone in your household is ignoring you because they are wrapped up in trying to put together, build or otherwise set up a gift for someone else.
And this is not an isolated incident. Two days ago, we spent a good hour trying to fold up Ivano's nephew's Thomas the Train Engine tent. It requires no assembly. You just kind of pull it apart...like a giant polly-o string cheese. But, like a polly-o, it requires a PhD in quantum geometry to get it back to its original compact position.
By the way...ivano and I are headed to Italy tomorrow. The shuttle will be here at 4:30 AM...which is just five hours away. I hope I can easily post from Italy, but we're staying at his parents and they have dial-up...so I may only be posting when I get to his brother and sister-in-law's place...
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