venerdì 24 luglio 2009

sofa art

photo of the poster over our's a movie about an italian mathemetician who dissappeared. come see it.
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bunny christmas

we've turned the corner. next christmas eve is just as close as last christmas eve. hmmm, mabye that means I should send out last year's xmas letter... UPDATE: WE TURNED THE CORNER IN JUNE...JULY IS THE 7TH MONTH...HELLLO??? I ALWAYS THOUGHT JULY WAS THE HALF WAY POINT B/C THERE IS ALWAYS SO MUCH TALK OF CHRISTMAS IN JULY...I THINK CHRISTMAS IN JUNE WOULD BE MORE APPROPRIATE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH
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taste the rainbow

Gay pride was last weekend...and that meant Black's beach was PACKED. Supa cool.
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Semantics on the yoga mat

I am doing my "homework" for a short photography class I am taking. We are playing with light. I taped a yellow piece of paper in front of my light source in order to get the yellow glow on the aluminium colored metal piping. This is a little thing I got for italian bf way back when I still worked for aaas and was in london facilitating a press conference about the rapid melting of the antartictic.
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