venerdì 3 aprile 2009

emailing w/ italian bf

from italian bf who is at a conference in Ohio:

ciao, sexy boy

cos'hai fatto ieri sera? hai dormito bene? io cosi' cosi'

ma ho fatto le mie tasse federali questa mattina e ora vado a mangiuare e poi alla conferenza

un bacio

even the most mundane things are more interesting in another language... "le mie tasse federali" ...sounds like a big italian beer glass emblazoned with a baroque federal symbol from Italy including both a bird of prey and a butch peasant with bulging biceps...but of course, it's just federal taxes.

2 commenti:

Amanda ha detto...

I just started taking italian classes at the community center in little italy in b'mo! I actually knew a decent amount of what he said there... I hope you slept well

Daniel ha detto...

grazie. o dormitato bene.