venerdì 20 febbraio 2009

Sherry Bottle Cashed

It took 14 months...but my first bottle of sherry is finally finished. And it all went for squash soup.

I am cooking dinner for italian bf and a friend tomorrow I'm making the soup hopes that over night, the molecules will all go to night school and learn how to be extra flavorfull.

what else is on the menu?

lasagne made with grass fed nebraska ground beef and italian bf's mama's recipe.

and salad and for dessert...

budino...which is a custard like dessert made from egg yolks, flour, sugar and milk (and a shit load of stirring)

giovedì 19 febbraio 2009

balcony food composting

it's the next step...using worms to compost out on the I up for the challenge? I keep thiking about it...and the article in the NYTimes just reminded me that it's something to keep thinking references a magazine about organic recycling...but it doesn't seem particularly aimed at apartment dwellers

giovedì 12 febbraio 2009

xmas letter is coming...

so...i've been doing a lot of writing since i stopped blogging in december...and well...some of it will be printed and hope the post office is still functioning in the next couple of weeks.

i'm back...and my shirts stink

I'm back...not sure where I been...but I'm back nonetheless...

who's up for a little self depricating humor?

i am!!!

great! here goes. Last week, I get to work after the usual 30 minute walk...and I notice I've got some under-arm stink going on...which I just don't understand...I had showered, I had put on deodorant...sure, I walked to school and got a little warm during the walk, but nothing major...I wear a new tshirt every day...what gives?

i'm stumped...until...coincidentally, italian bf asks me if I ever plan on washing my work shirts...and i'm like, yeah, of course I'll wash them...see...italian bf used to wash all the clothes, but since he's been so busy, he hasn't gotten around to it...and well...i hadn't really noticed...and can see where this is going...clean on the inside, and dirty on the outside...that's me...showing up at work all clean and showered except for one little smelly banana republic sale rack shirts...mmm...smelly banana.