mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008

ear plugs and alarm clocks

There is an inherent cochlear conflict in utilizing both ear plugs and an alarm clock. Sure, the ear blocks block out the ambient noise and drunk screaming grad students at 2 AM. But said ear plugs also block out the alarm clock in the morning.

Isn't there an overachieving high school student out there who needs a diversion from hacking into bank websites who can engineer a solution to my predicament???

4 commenti:

Heather Jensen ha detto...

what about one of those light alarm clocks?

Todd Franklin Osborn ha detto...

an iPhone has an alarm clock feature and you could sleep with your earbuds in and with headphones or earmuffs over them. then your alarm clock will wake you perfectly well. (this message was approved by Apple Inc.)

Daniel ha detto...

you guys are awesome. I fear for the bank websites you are busy hacking when not solving my problems!!!!!!!

W ha detto...

I've always had an invention in the back of my head: the strap on alarm clock vibrator. It is perfect for dorm rooms, couples with different schedules, and those who sleep with ear plugs! Simply strap on the small but powerful vibrator to your ankle, set the time, and go to bed. When the time comes, the sensation will wake you up! If nothing else, it wakes you up enough to take out the ear plugs and wait 10 minutes for the real alarm.