mercoledì 25 giugno 2008

1500 to zero

so...i bought 1500 lady bugs on Sunday...and the total number of lady bugs now on the balcony? a whopping ZERO!

ok. that's not exactly true. I stepped on three ladybugs on sunday while dispersing the other 1497. but other than three decomposing lady bugs, I got nothin'.

so...what's next? I'm dumping half of the Colorado river into my balcony plants, only to have a gaggle of aphids and white flies take over and party their way to plant destruction.

I sprinkled my 1500 ladybugs and they all flew off. maybe they were overwhelmed by the amount of food in the form of insects...they must have flown off to some other balcony where the portion control would not have to be self initiated. I bet they were scared off b/c our balcony is just too perfect for them. yeah, that's it.

5 commenti:

Kelly O ha detto...

... Wait, what? 1. How did you get 1500 ladybugs. 2. Why did you get 1500 ladybugs?

Anonimo ha detto...

Did you disperse them at night? I've heard that you are supposed to do it at night because otherwise they fly away...


W ha detto...

Maybe they felt awkward being around so many other bugs wearing the same outfit.

Daniel ha detto...

1500 lady bugs is the smallest increment you can buy them in at Home Depot. But to be honest with you, I'm not sure there were REALLY 1500. I think it was an "Internet 1500" which is really more like 850.

Daniel ha detto...

i dispersed them at 7:00 PM, but I'm afraid that wasn't late enough...I really like douglas' many ladies with the same dress at a party...of course they are going to disperse