last Saturday, during my North Park meander, I stopped in a couple of thrift stores. In the first, I satisfied my marble and porcelain fetishes for a price tag of $3.50.
The marble wine cooler was three bucks and the ashtray stolen from a cruise line was a whopping 50 cents.
the marble fetish has at least two primary sources:
1. The marble trophy bases from various swimming, basketball and acrobatics teams.
2. The second marble fetish source: catholic churches. No matter what church I went to, I ranked its value and worth based on how much marble was inside. Marble altar good. Carpeted altar bad. Carved marble benches on the altar: VERY good. Wooden benches: bad. Upholstered benches: horrible. I still remember the disappointment I felt the day that I realized the big "marble" rectangular boxes flanking the side stairways to the altar at St. Bernadette's were in fact fake marble.
The porcelain fetish comes from just one source, I think. My mom's obsession with danish porcelain plates and figurines.
1 commento:
$3.50 can't be beat!
(unless it was $3.49 or lower)
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