Flavio, where were you last Sunday? We waited at
the Starbucks in West Hollywood for like an hour...but you never showeded up...so we went to the Banana Republic on the 3rd street promenande in Santa Monica without you.
There was a super sale, and we bought and bought and bought. So, if we do end up in a recession, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT.
We bought sweaters, shoes, shirts, pants, tee shirts. We even got the "honeymoon suite" to try on our clothes together...which per se is not a big deal...but when you've shopped for clothes with a same-sex "buddy" in a store that is not gay friendly, then the touch of overt acceptance is nice...even if it is just a marketing ploy...
I added up the prices of just my stuff because I wanted to know the difference between what we paid and the original price...
are you ready??? (updated on sunday jan 26)
what we paid: 182.94
original prices...
Ivano's original price: 460
his sale price...
2 commenti:
Mi dispiace ma il mio volo è stato cancellato e la batteria del cellulare era scarica per questo non ho potuto avvisarvi. Grazie veramente per la foto, mi avete fatto ripensare a bellissimi momenti passati in LA e soprattutto a Santa Monica. Da Starbucks in WE vi siete seduti al solito tavolo strategico da dove si vede tutto? Complimenti per gli affari fatti da Banana !
grazie per il messagio. o capito tutti senza l'aiuto d'Ivano
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