Hot Dog!
For World AIDS day at UCSD, you can get yourself a condom rose or a dental dam
lilly (dental dam lilly, first photo). I made a few of each today after work. Aside from being generally fascinated by the whole dental dam deal, I'm struck by how much they look like packaged fruit leather (see lower photo for a side by side comparison). This whole dental dam thing confirmed my
unconscious suspicion that fruit leathers are much too small. Who just eats one fruit leather? Walking home from Trader
Joe's in Alexandria, VA I used to eat two or three, at least.
I challenge the sex-positive MBAs of the world to develop the Subaru of fruit leathers. A big wide
fruit leather with the dimensions of a dental dam called something cute like "fruit
leatHER: dried fruit so wet you can taste it."
From what I gather, "dental barrier" is the more PC or accurate term (not sure if this is right or not. any ideas?)
One of the dental dam making undergrads who seemed to have some experience with them used the term Dental Dam in a cool way.
to express just how fine a certain female might look to her, she exclaimed "dental DAMN!" with the stress on "damn." And that reminded me of a party that my friend Brian M. from Lincoln wanted to have to celebrate the opening of an absurd bridge across interstate 70 in the middle of Nebraska. He wanted to call it "pow WOW" and have it be an over the top campy Native American party, attended by red-neck Nebraskans who are more likely to use derogatory terms like"injuns" than anything close to the term "Native American."
And by the way, that female undergrad I mentioned was totally right on on a totally different subject. She complained that the meat eaters at the condom-rose/dental-dam-lilly making party were eating all the vegetarian pizza and leaving the meaty pizza to congeal in its muscular juices. I've been bitching about this for years. Put any group of vegetarians and omnivores together and the veggi pizza will always dissappear first (unless of course you are attending a party such as "pow WOW!" in which case, the veggi pizza might be burned at the stake.)
2 commenti:
I have always hated fruit leather. HATED it. Doug can vouch for me on that fact. Now, I have even more of a reason to never let such a vile thing cross my lips.
The veggie pizzas are definitely my favorite, and I LOVE MEAT.
~I was thinking about Amanda's hate of fruit leather while reading this!
~I am all about veggie pizza...mmmm Two Amy's
~Side note: I had to google dental dam to know what you were talking about.
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