The mall on the moon has it all.
But it was what Sara saw that did so appaul (mostly her Maw)
It had nothing to do with that flower stall, over which this man did see all.
The appaul was the Paul Mall the man did suck on,
in that flowerstall in the mall, out in front of all.
All the babies, the mommies, the little fat Tommies.
The workers, the shoppers, the pancake I-Hoppers.
The birds and the bees and the wedding-gift shoppers.
alternate last line:
the birds, the bees and the baccalaureate-mass* shoppers.
the baccalaureate mass is the mass that takes place the night before high school graduation at Gonzaga College High School in NW Washington, DC.
F**k You Gonzaga development office for not posting the note I sent in, WITH MY CHECK, about my move to San Diego with my partner. Is it becasue I am gay that you did not post my alumni note? Or was it just an administrative oversite. Your prompt reply would be most appriciated.
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