sabato 30 novembre 2013

Kitchen-hunch Yoga

How many miles does it take to burn off a 4,000-calorie Thanksgiving Dinner?

Gizmodo's answer is written to be a viral advertising winner.

But how much yoga does it take to undo the gravy making hunch?

Based on the crinkles in my shoulders, I'd day... A BUNCH.

Sure you can get fat eating a big turkey feast.

But belt-hole-adjustments don't worry me in the least.

My sacrum is screaming, my C-7 is leaning,

and that's just from sweet potato cleaning.

"Pre gravy stirring" I was 6' 2" or more.

"Post gravy stirring"...I'm not so sure.

But don't you worry one cranberry-sauce-on-the-drapes stuffing-in-the-junk-drawer bit.

Yoga can un-do Thanksgiving kitchen hunch before your case of the Cyber Mondays will hit.

But you gotta get your butt on the mat.

And as they say...that is that.

giovedì 28 novembre 2013

A Poem for Thanksgiving.

Turkey. Turkey. It's your day.
You are eaten every way.

Roasted. Baked. even Fried.
The only certainty: you have died.

Autumn-themes. Thankful memes.
Facebook's stream-of-consciousness screams.

Punchy pundits. Football games.
Cousins' cousins. Forgotten names.

NPR's wacky cranberry horseradish relish.
Airplanes cancelled. Travel is hellish.

Wait? What's that? A grumble in my belly?
Eat up. Transform. Get a bowl full of jelly.

That's the real secret of the day.
Physical prep for the next holiday.

Your inner Santa gets an outward push.
As potatoes and gravy pad your toosh.

sabato 2 novembre 2013

cleaning my office / link

Cleaning my office, I found a scrap of paper on which I write:

and I wrote: "Ricomoreti" the name of the professor in italy who I heard discussing this conservation project in Africa.

also, cleaning my office, I'm faced with a few birthday cards...what do I do with them? for the ones in which there is not a lot written, I'm tempted to send them to fact, I just asked bother #6 what his new mailing address is.